Sep 28, 2010


Yesterday I got this drug called Keppra.  It is suppose to stop me from having seizures while on Busulfane.  I know I will take whatever this med does to me over the seizures but I was really out of it.

I was peacefully sitting on my bed when the med started kicking in.  I got really fuzzy and had a strong desire to close my eyes.  After a few minutes I bought into what my body was telling me to do.  So I started to close my eyes and turn on my left side.

The left side is where my beautiful Beetles Abbey Road poster is.  It must not be happy with this life because it decided to commit suicide by leaping from my wall on to the floor with a loud crash.  So naturally, I had to go and rescue it with or without my brain fully functioning.  I jumped out of bed and up onto a chair in the corner of the room.  I threw the Beetles over my head and pressed them onto the wall.  At this point however, I was slowly tipping to the left.

After I blinked a few times I realized my face was  directly above the computer monitor that tells me my blood pressure.  I bet it was high at this moment in time.  I quickly stumbled down from the chair and flung myself into bed again where I slept for a few minutes.

I must admit I like not having seizures but almost breaking my face isn't much better. 

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